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director: music videos with animation
Supreme Switch - MWB Using rotoscoping and visuals Supreme Switch is about separation; the struggle of two people to get to one another over physical obstacles and restrictions.
I wanted to take the dancers' chemistry and flow and contrast it with the striking physical geometry of the architecture to show structural division. The VFX was used to build a visual barrier between them both. The characters learn to interact through gestures that echo one another via portals until they’re finally able to breach the divisions and meet in a void.
'So Mean' by Lions Head - Music Video
I creative produced both of these videos with a super small crew for Neirin Best. Planning shot framing, how to interact with props, perform appropriate actions etc.
creative producer/
animated music videos
animated embellishments for documentary
Rotoscope and animation work for Woo Agency / Bullion Productions. I animated behind vast sections of their doc about psychedelics.
This technical rotoscoping and masking technique would be similar to that I would use on this project.
Trailer for The Bigger Trip
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working with push button generation
The Standard Hotel - CCTV
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Push Button Generation - Slot Machines
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great working relationship with Push Button Generation and their aesthetic
The Blockbuster Trailer - Westerns
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roto & touch upwork
Rotoscope and touch up work for Woo Agency / Bullion Productions.
Slightly pointless to include as I currently don't have the 'before' pictures - but I cleaned up an incredibly dirty set, with lots of unfinished paint, dodgy carpentry and a scuffed floor. They wanted it to remain looking IRL though.
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